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How to have great hair: 5 essential habits

A woman's hair has always been considered a beauty symbol, and they often wear it as a crown. To maintain the health of your hair, you must know the essential things women do every day to maintain it.

You would be better off picking up healthy daily habits instead of overloading your hair with chemicals. Check out the essential habits that women with great hair follow every day.

Stay away from over-styling

A woman with great hair avoids over-styling her hair. We are referring to over-styling when we use too many heating tools. Instead of using a styling rod, choose milder options, such as heatless silk hair curler or gentle steel rollers that don't get overly warm, if you have to style your hair. 

Additionally, if you must use a hot tool, such as a curling iron, hot roller, or blow dryer, you will want to use a heat-protectant spray.


Maintain a regular hair wash schedule
In order for women to maintain beautiful hair, they must wear it the right way. The shampoo and conditioner they use are appropriate for the type of hair they have.

A hair specialist can help you better understand your hair type if you are unsure about it.

In addition to using quality hair products, women with beautiful and healthy hair use essential hair oils and hair serums. In order to prevent split ends, they regularly massage their scalps and hair. Almond oil and coconut oil provide excellent moisture for the hair and make it shiny and clean.

You will need to wash your hair more frequently if you have oily hair. If your hair is oily, you could also use a dry shampoo. It's recommended that you wash your hair every other day if you have combination hair (dry ends and oily roots).

Use Silk Pillowcase

Another habit of women with beautiful hair is to sleep with silk pillowcases. Cotton pillows can be rough on hair follicles, but silk pillows aren't. Additionally, sleeping on silk will prevent frizzy tresses in the morning.

Delimiting your time in the sun is also important in terms of hair care. Your hair can be damaged by UV rays. Wear a hat or carry an umbrella if you need to step out in the sun.

Condition & Moisturizing
Moisturizing is an essential part of maintaining healthy and beautiful hair for women. In the same way that the skin on your face requires a healthy foundation, a healthy scalp requires a healthy foundation. Conditioning your hair after each wash would be a healthy habit to adopt.

If your hair is thinning, you should also massage your scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and boost blood flow. You can use a protective product after washing and conditioning your hair to lock in moisture and reduce split ends, hair dryness, frizzy hair, and even color damage.

You should choose the right shampoo, conditioner, and serum if you have color-treated hair in order to protect the color.

Stick to the Same Products
You should avoid excessively switching between hair care products since your hair will take time to adapt to them. The products you use should suit your hair type and texture, and you should stay loyal to them.

It won't be long before you discover what works for you!
