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Why Your Sleep Position Can Cause Wrinkles, And Your Pillowcase Can Help

The phrase "beauty sleep" doesn't come from nowhere. It is essential that you get at least seven hours of sleep per night to maintain good health. You may look tired if you sleep incorrectly or use the wrong pillowcase.

The good news is that a few hacks can help you look your best when you wake up. To prevent wrinkles when you sleep, we talked to medical and beauty experts about the "three p's" - position, pillowcases, and purpose.

The position is important. Sleep on your back if you can.

Wrinkles can be reduced by sleeping on your back, according to experts. Side sleeping causes the skin to fold, and there is pressure on one side of the face, resulting in wrinkles. If you sleep on your back, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

According to dermatologists, sleeping on your back prevents wrinkles. The pressure and shear forces on the skin can be exacerbated by sleeping on one side of the face or on your stomach. Over time, sleeping in a position that stretches and creases your skin can result in wrinkles. If this applies to you, changing positions to sleep on your back or finding a pillow that relieves pressure from your face can reduce wrinkle formation. 

Picture a crumpled sheet tossed on your bed. It will wrinkle the next day if you don't stretch out that sheet flat, but wrinkle-free if you do. The same is true for our skin. During the day, hats and sunscreen protect you from harmful UV rays and free radicals, but at night, there are products and tools you can use to ensure that you aren't doing damage.

If you use silk pillowcases, they can be soothing for your skin.

Some experts see the logic behind the claims if you've been reading about the benefits of having the right type of pillowcase. Silk pillowcases are better for your skin. There's less friction between your skin and the pillow, reducing the negative effect it can have on your skin.

Sleep masks are also important. Silk sleeping eye masks protect the most delicate part of your skin around your eyes, reducing wrinkle formation.

What makes silk so special? During sleep, silk won't tug or pull at your skin since it is softer than cotton. Additionally, silk absorbs less moisture than cotton or microfiber, so it won't strip your skin of hydration or night products overnight. 

The benefits of sleep alone for your skin are numerous.

Sleep is an important way to undo some of the damage done during the day.

Pollution and oxidizing agents, UV light, and other factors cause environmental damage to the skin during the daytime hours, contributing over time to the loss of collagen, fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. Blood flow and collagen production increase when you sleep, allowing your skin to rejuvenate. Insufficient sleep leads to increased stress response hormones, which lead to skin inflammation, aging, and slower wound healing.

Be sure to get a clean, fresh pillowcase (preferably silk), lie flat on your back, and enjoy those sweet, skin-renewing dreams.
